Day 28 Clinton to Lillooet

I am still trying to say Lillooet correctly.  Something like lil - loo - et.  That shouldn't be hard.

We decided to take another dirt road today since the last one had turned out so well.  We were warned by one that this would be too much for our touring bikes and by others that it was too steep.  We were told that it was a beautiful road too.  So, off we went on Kelly Lake Road.
Before the climb along Kelly Lake

Here we go and this sign was not kidding

The climb was 14% for 5km and then kept going at a less steep rate for about another 7 km or so.  Then there was rollers for about 7 km and then a long steep downhill.

Rick ripping on the downhill.

Once we came out of the trees and finished the descent then we could see Bridge River which is in a huge canyon.

In Lillooet we first ate a late lunch at the bakery and then had spaghetti and meatballs at a Greek restaurant - italian at a greek restaurant called Dinah's Place was probably not the best choice but I had been craving that for about 3 days and couldn't resist when I saw it on the menu.

At this point in the trip we made it a priority to stop by the Travel and Info Bureau when getting into any town that had one. We found the people working there (usually college students) to be extremely helpful and knowledgeable. They would give us consistently good advice on places to eat, camp, and purchase needed items along with route finding and statistics on amount of climbing involved and road status. Utilize these places if you visit BC.


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