Day 15 Friday 7/30

Rode from Pincher Creek to Longview today which ended up being a little more than 90 miles.  This was a long ride with lots of rolling hills and only one place to stop for food.
It seems the Canadians do not find much use for restaurants, gas stations and grocery stores.  There was tons of traffic on the road due to a Canadian holiday on Monday and a long weekend.   Google maps put us on a gravel road we did not expect.  Rick charged ahead while Jerry and I talked with a couple locals who advised against taking our loaded bikes down the road.  Jerry and I opted to pedal an extra 10 - 12 miles to avoid the 12 miles of gravel which  looked very soft and large.
This is my last picture of Jerry from the trip.  Tonight he informed Rick and I that he was going to take a route into Calgary and a few days off the bike and then decide on a different route that would be about 50 miles per day.  He stayed in contact with us the rest of the trip providing valuable information and tips.

It was a good trip Jerry!  Hope to see you again down the road.


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