I awoke this morning to a drizzle outside my window at the Quality Inn - oh well! I got the car over to the Bellingham airport and thanks to some good directions from the Hertz guy at the return counter had a very low traffic route into Bellingham. The Garmin is driving me nuts due to the detailed maps somehow not being in the unit.
In no time I am lost in downtown but thanks to me and Rick being here last summer there a few landmarks that jogged the memory enough that I zigzag my way to the Fairhaven section of Belly. There the Chuckinut Drive road starts which is the scenic way to Anacortes. The rain was really coming down all the way through Belly and kept dumping until I made the turn off Chuckinut out in Edison.
Bakery in Edison, WA that has great eats. |
In Edison I stopped at the same place Rick and I ate at last summer and got one of the best chicken curries of my life! It was unbelievable with strong citrus undertones to the coconut milk based curry. A piece of rhubarb pie finished the meal and almost me too - a little too much food really. But, the weather had cleared a bit and the rain was now completely stopped.
Edison, WA |
A guy stops me on the road into Anacortes and wants to talk about cycle touring. Graham, I come to learn he is 60 years old and wants to cycle tour but is reluctant about touring alone. We talk for a while and he tells me of a bike trail into Anacortes that avoids the horrid highway Rick and I took last year. It turns out that an old railroad trestle was converted into a bike/walkway and goes right across the bay. Graham offers me a place to stay but I didn't need it because of previous arrangements. He says he is encouraged and going to do a tour!
Bikeway on old railroad trestle in the distance. |
Entrance to trestle bikeway | |
One of a thousand boats in Anacortes |
I arrived at Bill and Ann's house, my warmshowers host in Anacortes, with some bread and berries to complement the meals they had planned. They were also hosting another WS couple, Wendy and Ken, from Whitehorse in the Yukon territories - that was a surprise that turned out to be a lot of fun and quite interesting.
All of us were gear heads to some extent or another though Bill's fascination with camp stoves was beyond any of us. He showed us his iterative designs on the basic soda can alcohol stove and shared his experiences with various purchased products. All of sudden we realized it was 10:45 pm and Wendy, Ken and I were taking the early ferry to Sidney, BC and needed to get some sleep and get up early enough for a 7:30 am departure.
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